A New Beginning
A new dawn is breaking
The promise of another day
My aching heart resists,
It wants to hide in the shadows
Lurking in the dark
It shields itself against the brightening day
But giving up? Is it an option?
My head hurts with thoughts
My heart in turmoil
Confusing me further
But I need to be brave
I must don my armour,
Ready to face the world
To calm my inner demons
Life is tough, it is difficult to get through the day
But I will persevere
I will face the world
Without losing my softness
And the tenderness within
I have been hurt, the scars are raw
But I will continue to trust
I will love with my heart's humble thrust
For love and friendship to get in
Once again, I will open the windows to my soul
Life has been a series of let downs
And disappointments galore
But I will open up my heart again
To let in love and friendship
No matter how life has treated me
I will believe again
I will emerge stronger and calmer
It may not be to my liking
It may not be what I would choose for myself
Instead, I choose to face my fears
To make each day count
And to survive against all odds
I will take one step at a time
One day at a time
But I'll get there,
I'll definitely get there
For there is strength in me
There is a determination that will never die
For I am now free
I am a warrior with a gentle soul
And a heart full of hope.
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