GOING AGAINST THE GRAIN You do not have to conform to the standards set by society!"Act your age" "Wear clothes which suit your age'"Don't talk all the time""Don't laugh so loudly" "Women should be seen, not heard" "Women have to be feminine" "Women have to be demure" ...Demure? Why should we conform?Why shouldn't we laugh aloud if something seems funny?Why can't we dress for ourselves instead of trying to please everyone?Why should we be feminine all the time?Why should we bow down to so-called ideologies? Is laughter, happiness, boldness and even clothing gender specific?Break the mould, the glass ceiling is not for us.We women are blessed with brains, so let us use them.Let us write our own stories, let us light up our own paths and that of our sisters! Let us re-define who we are.So, go ahead and do your thing.We have one life... Let us make the most of it.. let us be free and above all , let us be path breakers!And don't forget, we women too have the strength and the acumen to know the differenceBetween right and wrong! To all the amazing women in my life and to those struggling with societal patterns... It is time to celebrate who we are! đŸ’™Cheers!!! ©Sangeeta


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