I sit down in the darkened room
With the soft light of dusk enveloping me in its arms
And ponder about where I am headed
Why has my sparkle dimmed?
When did this happen?
Was it when I grew up and took on responsibilities that would have brought even the strongest to their knees?
Was it when the burdens of the world seemed heavier all of a sudden?
Is it only me?
Or are there women like me out there,
who feel overwhelmed by the lives they are leading?
Let me tell you this, the lessons I've learnt while trudging through the quicksand.
We did not sign up for this.
It is not a life time contract,
this feeling that we need to do things all at once, and single-handedly.
We need to regain our lost courage.. the courage to say no, the courage to put ourselves first
It's alright to prioritise ourselves for a change,
To be able to let go and do things that make us happy for once
To throw away our inhibitions and finally be able to breathe freely
We need to go back in time, to retrace our steps and rediscover our true identity
To find the girl who is lost in the cobwebs that have smothered her freedom and individuality
If you've been lost, it's never too late to bring that girl back
She has been waiting to be rediscovered
Go ahead and reintroduce yourself to her
Lead her out of the darkness and into the sunshine once more.
It is her time to sparkle once again!
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